CNET MP3 Device Reviews and Articles

Back in 2007, I covered iPods, other MP3 players, devices and accessories for CNET; for some reason, these all seem to be from January, which can’t be right. In all events, here are links to some of these pieces.

Buy a Coby MP3 player, get 50 songs free

Play your iPod on Philips’ DVD portables

Control your iPod from 500 feet away

Jensen has cure for music fans with sweaty ears

Look ma, no MP3 memory

Thin is in with credit card-like MP3 player

Audiovox wants to one-up other XM satellite portables

Whole-house iPod listening for the rest of us

Eton adds iPod and Sirius for personalized clock radio

Control an iPod or iTunes remotely with Keyspan TuneView

Meet the Polaroid swinger MP3/PMPs

MP3 players for the jet set

DLO TransDock car charger/FM transmitter ready for full-screen iPod

RCA player ‘sips’ battery power

Creative Zen Sleek

Truly Pic ‘N Roll MP313X

Asono Mica

Toshiba Gigabeat MEG-F

About Stewart Wolpin

I have been writing about consumer electronics for four decades, including news, reviews, analysis and history for a wide variety of consumer, niche and trade outlets. For the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), I annually update the industry's history and write the official biographies of the CTA Hall of Fame inductees. Aside from writing about consumer technology for a variety of consumer, tech and trade publications, I write a blog and do market research for Digital Technology Consulting. In the non-tech world, I have written "Bums No More: The Championship Season of the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers" and "The Rules of Neighborhood Poker According to Hoyle." Check out my work at
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