10 Things You Can Do Now to Improve Your Online Security

In order to attack your computer, hackers often rely on your carelessness. While antivirus software protection is a must, it should be considered only as a complement to smart online behavior. Here are the top 10 things you can do that makes antivirus software merely a nice-to-have safety net rather than a necessary suit of armor, and all of them are free.

Read these online safety tips here at Techlicious.com.

About Stewart Wolpin

I have been writing about consumer electronics for four decades, including news, reviews, analysis and history for a wide variety of consumer, niche and trade outlets. For the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), I annually update the industry's history and write the official biographies of the CTA Hall of Fame inductees. Aside from writing about consumer technology for a variety of consumer, tech and trade publications, I write a blog and do market research for Digital Technology Consulting. In the non-tech world, I have written "Bums No More: The Championship Season of the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers" and "The Rules of Neighborhood Poker According to Hoyle." Check out my work at www.stewartwolpin.com.
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